- Jul 24, 2017
- #1
Matt Hardwick
Guys.... Ladies.... Who ever... (Its 2017). Just to let all you fine people know....
1. Those that helped me so far and are appreciative of our military and veterans thank you and god bless you!
2. Is that WSP Formula T in Barber shop scent is absolutly amazing. Its incredible and just wow.... Everything from the scent which is a nice peppery musk with clean powder and alcohol type smell with nice spice and i get ginger or some nice root and woodsy is to die for. I opened up the can and smelled it and imediatley i heard bald eagles screech out and soar over head while my american flag blew perfectly in my front yard and my children actually picked up their rooms. And this is just the scent.!!
Next was the lather!! Woah... Let me tell you about this lather.... It whipped up perfectly almost as of an amish craftsman came to my house and hand made me a lather for this moment. Not was the lather so luxurious it was so thick and soft yet magnificently whipped that Zeus him self mistook that pure perfectly white lather as a fallen heavenly cloud bestowed upon me from Mt. Olympus itself. And the scent opened even more and in utter awe of the combination, i swear to you the late prince... Yes prince his soul appeared as that of a jedi and a single tear fell from his face and he told me, that is what its like, when doves cry. It was beautiful.
The shave!! I need to go to church because hot dang... That cushion that glide... The mezmorizing feeling of perfection just the utter awe of its superior performance, had me wondering did i go to heaven or sell my soul to the devil... Its was so soft and so fast i swear to you ricky bobby sang soft R&B songs to me while danaka patrick whispered in my ear im always first.... Just wow....
But really though guys. This stuff rock and the shave oil and after shave rock also!
- Jul 24, 2017
- #2
I guess you must like it.
- Jul 24, 2017
- Thread starter
- #3
Matt Hardwick
Hahaha ya first time in 2 years i could shave my face and head with 0 irritation or anything. And my wife can't stop touching my face and head.
- Jul 24, 2017
- #4
It's kind of a step up from Cremo, huh?
- Jul 24, 2017
- Thread starter
- #5
Matt Hardwick
Oh yes it is lmao
- Jul 24, 2017
- #6
It's always great when you find a product that really works for you. Even though I live in the same town that WSP is located, I have not tried any of their products - yet. Once I work through my abundant soap supply, WSP will be the first soap I purchase.
- Jul 24, 2017
- #7
You did good. WSP is a fantastic soap and their take on barbershop is one of the best.
...and the wife likes it, bonus points.
WSP makes good bath soap, shampoo bar and hair balm. I find his Aftershave a bit tacky at times but it certainly is worth having around. I don't have any of his Colognes but people I trust speak highly of it's quality.
Good job
- Jul 24, 2017
- #8
I'm a Lumberjack.
Too bad you didn't like it.
Just purchased some wsp today!
- Jul 25, 2017
- #9
Phog Allen
I have the Royal Fougere made by these folks for Asylum Shave Works at Bullgoose. Yeah, it is something else. And the scent is amazing. I have almost always been a bit let down by the typical barbershop scents but this one sounds really nice. It may go on the list.
- Jul 25, 2017
- #10
I'm a Lumberjack.
Not that I'm affiliated but wsp has a decent sale of dented cans I took advantage of. Not all flavors but at 9.99 I'm trying Matterhorn.
- Jul 25, 2017
- Thread starter
- #11
Matt Hardwick
Man i shaved again rhis morning and just wow a perfect product. Probably the best scent ever. I can't get over how it great it smells. And just like it instantly lathers. Im not one for a shave den or whatever you xall it. I dont need a million things. Im one of those its not a hobby or whatevwr just is it made in America? Yup! Does ot work well? Yup! Good now im set. So im very happy
- Jul 25, 2017
- #12
When I tried the Formula T last summer, this was the scent I got. Not sold on the scent, but I agree with you on the lather & slickness. I used mine all up, still remember it as my favorite soap so far, & plan to re-visit it eventually.... but I have lots of other reputable ones I want to try/ use up first (Haslinger, MWF, Stirling, et al.) So it may be a while before I get back to it. But it's definitely at the top of my favorites list of the soaps I've tried. (Only been doing this traditional wet shaving thing for a little over a year & tend to use up creams/ soaps before moving to the next one ==> so I've tried relatively few soaps/ creams in comparison to many folks here on B&B.)
- Jul 25, 2017
- Thread starter
- #13
Matt Hardwick
BassPlayerBoz said:
When I tried the Formula T last summer, this was the scent I got. Not sold on the scent, but I agree with you on the lather & slickness. I used mine all up, still remember it as my favorite soap so far, & plan to re-visit it eventually.... but I have lots of other reputable ones I want to try/ use up first (Haslinger, MWF, Stirling, et al.) So it may be a while before I get back to it. But it's definitely at the top of my favorites list of the soaps I've tried. (Only been doing this traditional wet shaving thing for a little over a year & tend to use up creams/ soaps before moving to the next one ==> so I've tried relatively few soaps/ creams in comparison to many folks here on B&B.)
I feel ya brother. Im not much of a soap collector, ive only got 1 face and head hahaha. But ive noticed the scent isnt as strong as site claims it to be and dosnt last but maybe 15 minutes. I love the product bit would kill to find a super strong manly scent thats gonna last all day with matching oil and after shave as well. But im gonna wait until i use mie all up
- Jul 25, 2017
- #14
Now how can I not pick up some Formula T after this review?
- Jul 25, 2017
- #15
+1 WSP is good stuff, and Barbershop is a winner and if you like the scent get Lee's EdP Parfum strength and an exact match.
- Jul 25, 2017
- #16
BassPlayerBoz said:
When I tried the Formula T last summer, this was the scent I got..... )
Sorry - My mistake... the scent I tried & "was not sold on" was the Matterhorn. I've never tried the Barbershop. Sorry for any confusion....
- Jul 25, 2017
- Thread starter
- #17
Matt Hardwick
jdp93 said:
Now how can I not pick up some Formula T after this review?
Right! Hahaha.... My wife is telling me im obsessed with shaving and scents.
- Jul 25, 2017
- Thread starter
- #18
Matt Hardwick
BassPlayerBoz said:
Sorry - My mistake... the scent I tried & "was not sold on" was the Matterhorn. I've never tried the Barbershop. Sorry for any confusion....
What did you think of mattwrhorn. I wanna try tobacco, sandalwood, and celtic scents next
- Jul 25, 2017
- #19
Matt Hardwick said:
What did you think of mattwrhorn. I wanna try tobacco, sandalwood, and celtic scents next
I have a sample of Gaelic Tweed I'd be happy to send you - I have found that any GIT type scents don't agree with my nose.
- Jul 25, 2017
- Thread starter
- #20
Matt Hardwick
Jaidmaster said:
I have a sample of Gaelic Tweed I'd be happy to send you - I have found that any GIT type scents don't agree with my nose.
I would love to take that off your hands. I really enjoy the barber shop scent but im looking for a stronher manlier scent with matchi g aftershave to last ALL DAY
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