Character page for the Fox animated series .
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The Lost Boys
Peter Pan
Voiced by: Jason Marsden (English), Damien Boisseau (European French)
The leader of the Lost Boys, a boy who can fly and chose to never grew up.
- Adaptational Nice Guy: While he's rude, obnoxious and ego-centric, he is also a genuinely nice kid who just likes to play pranks on people. This is a far cry from his book counterpart.
- Ambiguous Innocence: Peter has a child-like innocence... which means he can be shockingly cruel and selfish because he's too innocent to realize he's hurting others.
- Amazon Chaser: As seen by his reaction to Wendy saving him, Nibs, Slightly, and Curly at the end of Count de Chauvin, he appears to be attracted to Wendy, in part due to her bravery and courage
- Apocalypse Maiden: The series finale, Ages of Pan shows that Peter is the male version of this trope. When he decides to grow up (and die) Neverland falls to ruin
- Badass Adorable: He is an utterly adorable little boy who is an expert fighter
- Big Brother Instinct: Peter has this in spades towards his boys, especially Michael, whom he acts almost like a father towards. He also has a sibling-like relationship with the girl who lives in the moon, being protective of her and teaching her how to play games.
- Bratty Half-Pint: He's a kid with the freedom to do whatever he wants, so naturally this is the outcome.
- Bullying a Dragon: Peter has a bad habit of routinely provoking the most fearsome and dangerous creatures or people in Neverland just for fun. Indeed, his ongoing feud with Captain Hook is basically rooted in the fact that Peter has decided it's a great game to provoke and prank the pirate captain, no matter how much danger this could get him and the rest of the Lost Boys in.
- Drama Queen: If something doesn't go exactly his way, he absolutely explodes, throwing tantrums and sulking. In Demise of Hook, he kicked an entire stack of dishes over, because Hook had supposedly died, leaving him with no one to annoy.
- Fisher King: Pan and Neverland are deeply tied to each other in some mystical fashion. When Pan foolishly decides to grow up, Neverland starts to collapse into ruins.
- Forgetful Jones: He has the memory of a goldfish to the point that it has become a Running Gag.
- Friendly Enemy: While and Hook are sworn enemies, Peter seems to like the Captain enough to be upset at his death. Hook does not share the sentiment
- Genius Ditz: An accomplished sword fighter and seems to be talented at playing the flute, but is a complete idiot in every other department
- I Kiss Your Hand: Does this to Wendy at the end of Count De Chauvin, after the latter rescues him and his friends
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: An arrogant, bossy, obnoxious pre-teen with an ego bigger than Neverland itself, who will fight to protect the ones he loves without hesitation
- Pragmatic Hero: A rare moment of this when the Croc is hypnotized and at their mercy, Peter's first thought is to kill the man-eater where she stands without hesitation. Sadly he's informed that they need the Croc for Michael to overcome his nightmares.
- Puppy Love: He has a very obvious crush on Wendy which she seems to not notice
Wendy Darling
Voiced by: Christina Lange
The only female member of the Lost Boys and the oldest of the Darling siblings. Chosen to act as a surrogate mother to the whole team. She tries her best to act as Peter Pan's moral compass, but not always successfully.
- Adaptation Dye-Job: In the original story and most adaptations, Wendy is a blonde. Here she has black hair.
- Implied Love Interest: She's often referred to as "Pan's beloved, Wendy" by Captain Hook, implying that Peter possibly sees her as more than a friend.
- Little Miss Badass: In the episode, Count de Chauvin, Wendy demonstrates her skills as a swordsman and she's able to beat Peter effortlessly when on equal footing
- Oblivious to Love: Subtly, but she seems to have no idea that Peter is blatantly crushing on her.
- Proper Tights With Skirt: She wears white stockings under her dress
- Team Mom: Her official role in the group
- The Smurfette Principle: She's the only human girl in Peter Pan's group, not counting the fairy Tinkerbell.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: Even given that she was chosen to be the Lost Boys' surrogate mother, she's still incredibly mature and level-headed for her age.
- Women Are Wiser: Invoked; she was recruited because it was believed that a girl would add a level of thoughtfulness and common sense to the Lost Boys that the boys themselves lacked.
John Darling
Voiced by: Jack Lynch
The middle of the three Darling siblings, John tries to simultaneously enjoy being a kid surrounded by other kids whilst also enjoying the status he can evoke by being the most mature and learned of them all.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: John is the second-most mature-acting of the Lost Boys and his age means he knows more about the way grownups act and think than anyone else in the den.
Michael Darling
Voiced by: Whit Hertford
The youngest of the Darling siblings, and of the Lost Boys as a whole.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Zigzagged. As the youngest child in the Lost Boys, he's not exactly the most capable of the Lost Boys in contributing to things, but he usually tries to act responsibly and not get in the way. As a result, while the Lost Boys clearly view him as their little brother, they don't usually find him annoying.
- The Baby of the Bunch: The youngest and youngest-looking Darling family member and Lost Boy overall.
- Pajama-Clad Hero: He always wears his pajamas.
Voiced by: Debi Derryberry
A small female fairy who has been Peter Pan's companion far longer than any other Lost Boy. She often tries to be the voice of reason, and is the resident expert on Neverland's magic and history, but is often overridden by her rambunctious ward.
- Abled in the Adaptation: Tinkerbell is a mute in J.M. Barrie's original story and most adaptations, communicating via tinkling of bells. Here, she can talk.
- Fiery Redhead: She's a redhead, and she can be rambunctious.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Her jealousy of Wendy is commonly remarked upon, if not the cause of an episode's trouble.
Voiced by: Adam Carl
The second in command of the Lost Boys after Peter Pan.
- Beary Friendly: He wears a bear-shaped headdress, if it's not bear skin outright.
- Number Two: He has the most authority on the Lost Boys outside of Peter.
- Vitriolic Best Friends: Slightly often quarrels with him, but the two are still good friends.
Voiced by: Scott Menville
An older Lost Boy visually distinguished by his parrot's head cap.
- Meaningful Name: He is named after his Verbal Tic, always saying "slightly".
- Verbal Tic: Has a tendency to constantly interject the verb "slightly" into his sentences, from which he derives his name.
- Vitriolic Best Friends: Has a bit of a rivalry with Nibs, but the two still get along and look after each other.
The Twins
Voiced by: Aaron Lohr (tall twin), Michael Bacall (short twin)
Two young boys, one Caucasian and one African, who are regarded as twin brothers by the rest of the Lost Boys.
- Alleged Lookalikes: Despite the fact they're clearly different races and heights, they're still referred to as "the Twins".
- Finishing Each Other's Sentences: To highlight their "twins" status, they constantly break up whole sentences between them, or simply speak in unison.
- Mythology Gag: Their very existence is based on a line from the original story about Peter never admitting when he doesn't know anything, and not allowing his Lost Boys to know anything that he doesn't know. So, Peter decided he wanted twins, and not understanding really what twins are, he just picked two Lost Boys and declared them to be twins.
- Single-Minded Twins: As is common for cartoon twins from the 80s, the Twins are essentially a single character, always being seen in close proximity and doing the same thing.
Voiced by: Josh Keaton
A Lost Boy who wears clothing resembling a tiger.
- The Prankster: Likes to play pranks and crack jokes.
Voiced by: Chris M. Allport
Shortest and youngest of Peter's Lost Boys, wears a panda cap and has a panda eye makeup on his left eye.
- The Baby of the Bunch: He's the smallest and youngest of Peter's main Lost Boys, excluding Michael, whom he gets along very well with.
- Big Eater: As the chubbiest Lost Boy, he is usually always hungry and likes to eat.
The Pirates
Captain James Hook
Voiced by: Tim Curry (English), Pierre Hatet (European French)
The ferocious and fearsome leader of the pirate crew, Hook yearns to attain two things; revenge on Peter Pan for his constant humiliation, and the return of his lost youth.
- Adaptational Badass: Compared to the foppish, ineffectual dandy Hook of the Disney film or even to most depictions, this Hook is a whole other kettle of fish. A towering, muscular, ogre of a man with a booming bellow of a voice who can cow an entire crew of rebellious pirates with a snap of his cat-o-nine-tails and a thunderous insult.
- Affably Evil: Despite being a ruthless pirate, Hook can be surprisingly charming, and even makes temporary alliances with the Lost Boys at several points in the series.
- Arbitrary Skepticism: Despite living in Neverland, which is full of fairies, magic, witches, trolls, monsters and all manner of weirdness, Hook sometimes is strangely resistant to the idea that something magical could be going on.
- Possibly averted as it often comes across as though he is simply too stubborn to admit it.
- Arch-Enemy: No other foe of Peter comes close to him in prominence, of course.
- Berserk Button: Do not insult his mother. Or damage his harpsichord. It really says something about how bad one storm was that lashed Neverland during the series that the pirates were willing to risk Hook's wrath by using his harpsichord as an anchor.
- Cain and Abel: He and his brother Jasper used to be on the same pirate ship, with James serving as cabin boy and Jasper as the captain. They quarreled over James not receiving special treatment in the booty sharing for their blood relation, which resulted in James slashing open Jasper's eye and then leaving to found his own crew. In Neverland, Jasper's ghost returns, eager to kill his living brother and enslave him as a ghost pirate.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Hook absolutely adores his mother. Not only is his portrait of her enshrined in his room and one of his most precious possessions, but she actually inspired him to become a pirate! Indeed, in one episode, he is temporarily convinced to abandon piracy and take up piloting airplanes when the Lost Boys trick him that she'd meant for him to become a pilot and he'd misheard her.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Whilst he Would Hurt a Child if he had to, he refrains from harming anyone whom he has no active quarrel with. In particular, when presented with a clear lethal shot at Peter Pan whilst the latter is at the Native American village, he deliberately avoids taking it because it would endanger the innocent women and children of the village.
- Freudian Excuse: It's heavily implied throughout the series that Hook's resentment of Peter Pan is motivated by envying how Peter gets to enjoy an eternal carefree childhood, whilst Hook never got a similar childhood himself. Indeed, finding his "lost" childhood is a secondary goal of Hook's during his time in Neverland.
- Genius Bruiser: He's a hulking imposing brute of a man who could probably snap most of his crew in half with his bare hook, but he's also a cunning strategist who poses a genuinely credible threat to the Lost Boys. Additionally, he's got a firm grasp on classical literature (When confronted with the Grim Reaper himself, he completes the poem that the Reaper starts to recite) and is gifted with a broad vocabulary (as his barrage of insults demonstrates). On top of this he's also an accomplished harpsichord player.
- Hook Hand: He's Captain Hook, after all. What did you expect?
- I Control My Minions Through...: Fear. The pirates chafe at their imprisonment in Neverland and would have left a long time ago if they had their way, but Hook scares them so badly that they do what he says.
- Large Ham: A large, loud, and domineering presence ready to chew the scenery at the drop of his magnificent hat. This version has the added bonus of being voiced by Tim Curry, who's a Patron Saint of this trope whenever it comes to voicing villains.
- Sophisticated as Hell: Hook can go from chatting with the dignified air of an Elizabethan aristocrat to spitting antiquated curses and back again at the drop of a hat.
Peter Pan: I resent that, Captain! Especially since I don't know what you said
- Wicked Cultured: It's implied that Hook comes from an aristocratic background, and when he wants to be, he can be surprisingly cultured. He's capable of acting with formal, gentlemanly manners when it's called for, is a skilled harpsichord player (despite having a Hook Hand), knows alchemy, is a a proficient actor, and has an in-depth knowledge (and love of) the works of William Shakespeare.
- Would Hurt a Child: Curry's Hook is like a monster out of a child's nightmare, and he is in every way a bonafide threat whose goal is to kill Peter Pan. While we never actually see Hook harm a child, the distinct impression is that he definitely would.
Bosun Smee
Voiced by: Ed Gilbert
An elderly Irish pirate who serves as Captain Hook's second in command, he may not be very smart but is the most loyal of all the pirates.
- I Call It "Vera": His weapon of choice is a dagger nicknamed "Johnny Corkscrew".
- Oireland: Averted. Aside from a faint Irish accent (or possibly a Cockney one), there's nothing flamboyantly or overtly Irish about Bosun Smee.
Robert Mullins
Voiced by: Jack Angel
A ruthless yet superstitious pirate from the American colony of Brooklyn.
- Pet the Dog: Mullins actually cares quite deeply for Billy Jukes, and does his best to look out for him.
- The Starscream: Mullins is the crewmember who most wants to usurp Captain Hook and take over the crew.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Mullins suffers from "landsickness", getting weak and nauseous if he spends too long on dry land.
"Gentleman" Ignatious P. Starkey
A well-dressed and foppish English pirate who wields a rapier.
- The Dandy: It's the reason behind his nickname.
Alf Mason
The biggest and strongest member of the pirate crew, at least after Captain Hook himself.
- The Brute: He's the biggest and strongest of the pirates, except maybe for Captain Hook, and even has a subtly ape-lie appearance to reinforce it.
- Hidden Depths: During the Christmas episode, he's shown to be a skilled whittler, attempting to adorn the pirates' Christmas tree with a little hand-carved reindeer.
Eucrates Cookson
A fat, elderly chef whose cooking skills are reviled by his shipmates.
- Fat Bastard: He's a pirate, and also quite rotund.
- Lethal Chef: Cookson's ineptitude at making good food is a frequent source of commentary by his crewmates. During the episode where the pirates try to fight off the Ghost Ship of Captain Patch, Billy Jukes tells him to his face that he's not sure whether he's more afraid of Captain Patch come to claim his soul as a damned ghost pirate, or of eating Cookson's food.
Billy Jukes
The youngest member of the pirate crew, who serves as the gunner for the cannon "Long Tom".
- Adapted Out: In the book he is described as being covered in tattoos. This is why he has dark skin for a pirate.
- Ambiguously Brown: Billy's skin is a medium shade of brown, but his race is completely ambiguous. He could be Indian, African, or possibly of mixed race.
- Beauty Equals Goodness: Somewhat. Most of the pirates are quite ugly, while Billy looks fairly average, aside from looking constantly tired. He is also the most reasonable and friendly of the pirates
- Big Brother Instinct: In 'Hook the faithful son' Billy is forced to work with the twins, and while it starts with them driving each other crazy, by the end he's gained a likeness for the kids and secretly helps them free themselves. Also occurs in 'Billy Jukes Lost Boy' with Slightly and to some extent with Peter in 'The Great Race'.
- Real Men Wear Pink: He wears a pink bandana around his neck
- Teens Are Monsters: He's the only teenager in Neverland, besides Tiger Lily and he works with the pirates. Zigzagged in that he's shown to not actually be a bad guy personally, he's just loyal to his crew.
- He has his moments of outright cruelty, such as his immense delight in nuking the lost boys with a missile in 'When Games Become Deadly" and his Slasher Smile when employing his grenade baseball in 'Play Ball"
- Token Good Teammate: The only pirate who is halfway a decent human being...most of the time
- Tsundere: A platonic example. Despite acting hostile towards the Lost Boys, he quickly lapses into getting along with them.
Other Denizens of Neverland
The Crocodile
A massive female crocodile who stalks the waters around Neverland, eating anything that she can catch. She especially craves the flesh of Captain Hook, as she ate his hand when Peter Pan first cut it off.
- The Dreaded: Everybody on Neverland is afraid of her, even the Lost Boys!
Great Big Little Panther
The shaman and chieftain of the Native American tribe who inhabit Neverland, Great Big Little Panther is the closest thing to a positive adult figure in the setting.
- Magical Native American: He's a Native American shaman who can work real magic. It stands out less than some examples of this trope, because Neverland is explicitly a magical land full of magical people and creatures; the Native American shaman being able to control the weather with sand paintings or divine the future through fire-gazing kind of blends right in with the flying children and fairies.
Tiger Lily
Great Big Little Panther's daughter.
- Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: She has no romantic feelings for Peter and even views him as annoying most of the time. She is also very good friends with Wendy, who in turn has no jealousy towards her unlike in the original novel and play.
- Action Girl: She isn't one to back down from a challenge, seen best in the episode, The Foot Race
- Cool Big Sis: To her brother, Hard-To-Hit
- One of the Kids: She sometimes joins in playing hide and seek with her little brother's friends and joins them all in a race. She also helps her brother prank Slightly.
- Screw This Im Outtahere: In the Never Arc, she leaves Hard to Hit with his ramblings and goes to find their father to set him straight.
- Short Teens, Tall Adults: Heavily implied to be a teenager but is still much shorter than the adults on the show, though she overtowers Wendy quite a bit. She appears to be the same height as Peter.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The tomboy to Wendy's girly girl
- Women Are Wiser: Much like Wendy, she's a lot more sensible than her brother and the lost boys
Great Big Little Panther's son, and would-be heir to his father's position as shaman.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Drives Tiger Lily crazy most of the time
- Vitriolic Best Buds: He and Peter don't always see eye to eye but they're still good friends
Olook the Troll
A local troll who can be either ally or enemy to the Lost Boys... usually an enemy.
- All Trolls Are Different: He's a hulking giant whose sloping head, huge nose, and overlong arms give him a vaguely simian shape. He keeps a library full of magical books, but seems to rely on pure brute strength first and foremost.
- Hulk Speak: He always speaks in the third-person and uses a childish syntax, as if he doesn't know all the words. He doesn't seem to be too dumb, however, and it's seemingly just the way that trolls talk.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Has tried to eat the Lost Boys more than once.
Captain Jasper "Patch" Hook
The ghost of Captain James Hook's elder brother, whom James Hook originally served as a cabin boy.
- Cain and Abel: He and his brother were originally on the same pirate crew, but they fell out over James' anger at not being treated specially just for their relationship. It's unknown what happened between them afterwards, but when Captain Patch's ghost surfaces in Neverland, he seeks to kill his brother.
- Eye Scream: His nickname stems from the patch he wears over his right eye, which covers up that the eye was destroyed in a fight with his little brother.
- Nepotism: Subverted. It was the fact he declared he was not going to treat James special despite their being related which led to their falling out, which came in the form of the fateful duel where James cut out his eye and then abandoned his crew.
King Kyros
An icy elemental who rules the Ice Caves of Neverland. Peter unwisely makes a temporary enemy of him by repeatedly stealing the gemstones from his domain.
- An Ice Person: King Kyros can generate intense cold, snow and ice as he sees fit.
- Elemental Embodiment: Of ice and snow.
- Large and in Charge: Kyros' ice elves are small, frozen, goblin-like creatures about the size of the Lost Boys. King Kyros' own size is a little harder to ascertain; depending on the shot he looks like anywhere from a very tall man to a full-fledged ice giant.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Zigzagged. On the one hand, Kyros' attempting to freeze Neverland into an endless winter is pretty much Disproportionate Retribution. On the other hand, he didn't go that far until after Peter Pan had been provoking him repeatedly, and he ended the entire mess as soon as he felt Peter had learned his lesson by giving back the gem he stole.
- Speak of the Devil: King Kyros can teleport to the side of anyone who says his name, although it's actually a little vague about whether he has the choice not to do so.
The Girl Who Lives In The Moon
- Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: She's a sweet little girl with blonde hair
- Innocent Blue Eyes: She has blue eyes. much like Peter and is a naive and innocent girl
- Like Brother and Sister: Her relationship with Peter is very sibling-like. He dotes on her as an older brother would and tries to teach her how to play games and be a child. He's also very protective of her when it comes to Hook
- The Ditz: She comes off as ditzy because she isn't aware of the dynamics of Neverland, having spent all her life in the moon